13 April 2011

To the block

Dear Block,
Why do you sit here poised heavily upon my heaving chest.  Staring back at me begging me to move you, when you know very well that I can do nothing with your girth.  No pound of muscle can tense and push you from your lofty perch. 
Yet you beg me to move you, you beg me to continue to try. 
So I do. 
I writhe and wriggle beneath you. 
I long to escape. 
Beads of sweat pour down my swollen face.  The vascular structure races to the surface of my epidermis as I strain. 
A push, a pull, a quiver, a quake and still you remain.  Laughing at me with your blank expression.  Taunting me with your unscathed surface. 
It's all a big fucking guffaw to you.  A silly game playing on my most basic needs.  You love it don't you?  To watch me.  To watch me stare back at you with hate burning behind my  eyes.  To see me succumb to a Hun like rage.  Watching my lips peal back from my gnashing teeth. 
But you do not fear me.  You care not for the pounding heart, or my raised hackles.  No you simply sit blankly.  Looking through me.  Ignoring my strength, my anger, my very being. 
You watch me destroy myself.  Breaking my own bones and tearing my own ligaments.  You sit and you watch it all. 
When the light has left from my eyes, and all hope seems to have morphed into bitter complacency, only then do you fly from me.  Floating listlessly into the air and leaving me bruised and broken.  With the words "Thank You" carved into my dried and cracked lips.  
Thank you
Until we meet again,

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