17 June 2011

Kitten and Tuna

Hello my Puuuuurrrrrrfect Kitty and of course my smelly tuna fish,
I was listening to morning sports talk radio while rubbing soap on my firm flesh when all the sudden a voice rang throughout the bathroom and brought back so many memories.  Flashback initiated, the feeling of alcohol's tantalizing clutch on my stability sent me spiraling around the room donning only a hand towel to cover my overused genitalia.  I spun and I spun until the room seemed to move without me at which point I slid to the ground.  From my new seat I sat with tears in the icy blue orbs that have provided me with the fevered ego we all love.  My genitals half erect and my legs running away from each other, an angel sang to me.  All of my cynicism and denial had been lifted from my shoulders.  Atlas was finally able to stand tall and proud for the world had floated away.   If I could have picked a time to die it would have been here, in my euphoric and post-ejaculatory glee...  So Kitty and Tuna what brought me to this point.  What left me on the cold bathroom tiles covered in what could have been children, legs limp and eyes dilated? 

Well Kitty and Tuna here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHNF9Amv5iI
I believe it is painfully obvious why I had to send this to both of you.  Kitty I feel this is also proof that it is a genetic trait of Der Deutches Volk.

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